Hip-Hop, Lyrical and DJ

The Film Lab

Youth Arts Action

The Film Lab during Summer

During August and September, the Film Lab been offering two unique programs tailored to the youth attending the Summer cycles.

Midnapore – Trellis program

We have been present in Midnapore, in collaboration with Trellis Society, where we offered a unique building blocks stop-motion program. The adventure began with easy stop motion and video editing exercises, learning how to use our phones as cameras and edit on them. Then, we adventured into the pre-planning phase of a video production, developing ideas and tailoring them to the youth wishes.

The second part of our program was devoted to the creation of our final movie. We started working with buillding blocks and breaking down each movement of the figures to make them feel natural.

We had a great time and amazing results too!

The Centre for Newcomers

A new partnership with The Centre for Newcomers started during the Summer. In July, we started a videomaking program aimed at learning how to use video as a tool for expression.

At the start of every session, we would watch a short movie with a heavy Social-emocional component, allowing our participants to explore the medium and to convey that videomaking is more than just technique. It is a powerful tool that allow for evoking emotions and spark social movements.

During the different lessons, we covered visual language, composition, editing, movement techniques, types of shots and the psychology behind them, and much more.

We will continue cooperating with the Centre for Newcomers during the Fall offer of The Film Lab and, potentially, extend the art offering to the mural project.

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